Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Bröllops Fotograf Cedergrenska Tornet Stockholm

Bröllop på Cedergrenska Tornet Stockholm really was a dark one.But you cant beat the views. It must be one of the best places for a bröllop i Sverige.

Weddings in Sweden in the winter are always tough, but if you have a great bröllops fotograf then you will have no worries.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Bröllop svartsjö slott

This bröllop was my second bröllop at Svartsjö slott, the location situated in Eckerö

The bröllopsfotografering was tough as everything was candle lit, but I was very happy with the final result Im sure brudgum Kieth och brud Alona will be too.

Contact Bröllops fotograf Ian Johnson at